Wednesday 4 July 2012

Common Sense and Your Job Search

Common sense is not so common. ~ Voltaire
Connect the dots and connect with others to help you move forward; going solo in your job search is lonely; going together in your quest for new work is likelier to land you what you want and/or need.
Overcome whatever it is you would like to overcome. It is that simple and that tough. If you fear public speaking, then challenge yourself to speak.  If you are afraid of failure, ask yourself what’s the worst that can happen and what’s the best that can happen? If you detest looking for a job, how about looking for one anyway? Keep telling yourself:  Someone is going to get a job and it might as well be me!
Make the most of what you have. Instead of mulling over what you don’t have, how about being mindful of what you do have to offer?
Motivate yourself. Make that promise to self – then do your best to keep it!
Offer to help someone do something, learn something, grow something, and be something; in helping another person, you may very well end up helping yourself.
Never give up on yourself or others. Regardless of the number of people who may have shown you they are not interested in helping you, listening to you or being a part of your life at this time -- never give up!

Stay focused on an hourly basishours soon add up to days and weeks and months before you know it.
Educate yourself on 2012 best practices for career management. Self-educate or find a career management pro who is invested in your continued success. Start with a Google search and see what you discover. Ask your network for referrals.
Nice, a good word to practice in your job search, regardless of how many people have been rude to you. Nice: enjoyable, agreeable, pleasant, good, fine, lovely, amusing, wonderful, kind, polite. Nice.
Share what you know and sooner or later, someone may buy what you are selling in this competitive marketplace.
Engage for the purposes of serving and helping others achieve their goals and in turn, you may wind up achieving your own – a new job, a new lead, a new business idea, and if you’re really lucky, maybe even a new friend.
How do you define common sense as it relates to job search?

Good luck in your search.

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